速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Comm

Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Comm



檔案大小:7.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Commute(圖1)-速報App

Easy Drive is designed to keep you one step ahead in your busy life. With the ability to set multiple Drives and schedules, Easy Drive can notify you of the fastest route to your destination. Whether its your daily commute to work or a weekend getaway Easy Drive can inform you of the fastest route as soon as you get going.

Have a drive scheduled for a busy weekend? Use the Drive Planner that leverages historical data and considers alternatives to routes that are typically congested at that time to give you the fastest route information.

Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Commute(圖2)-速報App

Want to set a reminder so that you leave at the witching hour? Easy Drive can create an event on your Calendar in advance for the appointed time with the fastest route information.

Manage your Drive schedules or Drive types (e.g., Business or Leisure) by picking a Drive theme color.

Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Commute(圖3)-速報App

Want to re-order your Drives? Long press a Drive and re-order by dragging and dropping it to the right spot.

Found the fastest route but want detailed directions too? See every turn of every route directly on the detailed map. Need more details? Drill down into the turn-by-turn list.

Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Commute(圖4)-速報App

Want voice-assisted guidance? We directly integrate with Apple Maps, Bing Maps, Google Maps and Waze navigation apps to get you on your way.

Have feedback or an idea for a must have feature?

Easy Drive - Fastest Route for your Commute(圖5)-速報App

Contact us at: easydrive@30xi.com

支援平台:iPhone, iPad